The times in which we live.

The times in which we live.

Ever read the book, “In the Garden of Beasts”? Well, if you haven’t…you should.  I can’t help when listening to what a certain candidate says, think about the parallels of what a certain person coming into power during in Germany after WW1 said. This can be said about almost any horrible person in human history, but this is our time…oh, and those movies and TV shows that have the premise of, “if you could travel back in time…what would you do?” Well, time travel must not ever exist or those in the future know something we don’t, or just don’t care, or realize nothing would change?  Stupid Americans…this country is lost. 

Well, now this evil bastard is the GOP nominee… My sister had joked about him selecting nutcase Nugent as his vice-president.  Seemed so funny so many months ago, but now it is terrifying that our primary system has allowed the fringes of the right to push this poor excuse for a human being one step closer to running our country.  This once again proves that time travel doesn’t exist, or our future selves know that he won’t be president.  People have told me that the Democratic party’s options are awful as well, but come on… Drumpf?  Give me a break, a HUGE break.

Some people have also said that Bernie Sanders wants to “give everything away for free” and if they were to actually listen to what he says, not what Faux News says, they would hear that he’d like to level the playing field for our citizens, remove the incredible tax breaks for the extremely wealthy, and make corporations pay their fair share.

One of the things I’d love to see happen is for our Supreme Court to realize they screwed up and revoke Citizens United, as well as removing PACs and Super PACs, and get money out of politics.  Our politicians are leaches.

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