Fun Tuesday

Fun Tuesday


Tuesday morning I woke up in quite a bit of pain after hurting my ribs on Saturday.  I had had broken ribs before so I knew the feeling, but this was a level above that.  Off to urgent care I drove…  After my examination the Doctor there told me to go immediately to the emergency room, which I did.   He thought I had a ruptured spleen based on my pain level and how swollen my abdomen was.  Well, so did the ER doctor so they put in an IV, hooked me up to some machines and had me do a cat scan after they put some dye into my blood stream.

Luckily I had no internal bleeding, punctured lung or anything except beat up organs.  I’m feeling a little better today, but still much worse than when I had broken my ribs a few years ago.  Oh well.  I can tell you that my insurance is worse or healthcare has increased in cost over the past few years.  Probably both.  There needs to be some regulations put in place to keep healthcare affordable and I hope that the Affordable Healthcare Act will begin to make an impact, because doing nothing certainly hasn’t helped.

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