2021 – An administration that does its job

2021 – An administration that does its job

This year sure started off with the usual Tr*mp insanity as he rallied his gaggle of fucking idiots in an attempt to overturn the election in his failed coup. What infuriated me is the lack of response from those nearby national guard troops and more federal police, but as we’re finding out…it was sort of set up that way. The Tr*mp appointees were there to slow that down and the national guard leaders were told that they couldn’t even move a vehicle without approval from the top.

Well, once the orange turd was finally out of office…which should have happened in his first year of office after the nation realized that he truly is an insane person…things have calmed down and government is back to doing what it’s supposed to do, and that is to just “do their jobs without drama”. The GOP doesn’t seem to understand this as usual, but I believe that they’ll eventually discard their orange dictator and get back to working together, at least I hope.

No more ridiculous tweets, no more news cycles spent on his latest stupidity and no more Tr*mp kids in the administration making money off the backs of our citizenry.

I’m so happy to have Biden and Harris leading us and appointing people who actually have the skillset to run their departments properly.

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