

Mooch was adopted in 2003 as a puppy and has been such a great friend to me, Isabella (passed) and Callie

He was just about the sweetest boy and never caused problems other than a few torn up pillows when he was young. 


The morning of Friday, April 19th my best friend for the past ten plus years died in his sleep. When I got home from work yesterday evening (Thursday, April 18th) he was very disoriented and unstable on his feet. This was very strange behavior for Mooch since he had never been sick during his lifetime. As the evening went on into the early morning hours he was no longer able to walk and would not eat anything. He needed help to get outside to pee and when this happened it was similar to the last week of Isabella’s life, I knew something was very wrong and we needed to go to the veterinarian in the morning. I laid his blankets on the floor in the room and we just snuggled and watched movies to wait out the night. About 4am I was giving him scratches and hugs, he wagged his tail a bit and gave me a little kiss on my cheek. He laid his head down and we both fell asleep. When I woke up before 7am he was very still and I knew that he was gone. I didn’t want to believe it, he is Mooch! He has been there for me over the past ten years through some very tough times, soaked up more tears than I care to mention and always made me feel better.

Those of you who were lucky enough to have known Mooch, know what a special guy he was. Everyone at the dog park knew his name and would give him hugs and tell me they wanted to steal him so they could have a “big teddy bear” at home with whom they could snuggle. He was perfect, I couldn’t imagine a better companion.

Callie is doing well, she was lying on the floor with us through the night and when I carried him to the car to go to the vet one last time she jumped up, sniffed his nose and then walked back into the house. That one action showed me she said her goodbyes and that he and I could make one more drive together.

Not sure what to do now, and those of you without pets may not understand, but those of you who do/have know how they get into our hearts.

Here are some pictures of Mooch’s life. I know that Kisha is not in the pictures, but please remember her in your thoughts too. She was a huge part our lives and is having as difficult of a time as me.


In response to people who have asked:

  1. We’re not sure of what exactly happened, but at this point it doesn’t matter much. Stroke, cancer, renal failure, ?
  2. He always had excellent food, clean water, etc. and had never been sick in over 10 years.
  3. He was fine at the dog park the night before and fine before I left for work that morning.
  4. He ate his breakfast and was happy and healthy when I gave him and Callie a hug before heading to the office.
  5. An autopsy seemed like a waste because what does it matter, he is gone.