Door to door religious sales people

Door to door religious sales people

Why do people wander through neighborhoods trying to recruit for their religion? Just had two more a few minutes ago attempting to “save” me.

Go away.

Didn’t Jesus say that the most important was the Golden Rule? That’s how I try to live and I don’t need to donate money to some corporation (yes, churches are a business) to defend their workers (priests) from lawsuits.

Read the bible, do your thing, but leave me alone.

When people complain about LBGTQ folks recruiting their children I call BS because it is. They’re not going door to door, they’re just trying to live their lives like the rest of us.

Religion didn’t help my Dad, prayer didn’t help him or anyone else with cancer. (I’ve disliked religion far longer than his fight with cancer)

Religion takes your money and allows you to sit in a building quietly. You can get more out of a walk through the forest, or sitting quietly by a stream. That is where “god” lives, not in some building where three or more are gathered in its name.

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