Don’t blame others for YOUR poor life decisions

Don’t blame others for YOUR poor life decisions

I hear people blaming the president for all of their problems.

YOU created your problems, stop blaming others.  I hated GWB, but didn’t blame him when I got laid off (along with 4,000 others) 7 years ago.  That was Motorola’s fault, poor management, decisions, etc. What did I do? Took a break, got my resume updated and found another job.

Want to get a job?  Go to school and learn a skill that isn’t reliant upon constant growth in the housing or construction industry.  Learn a trade!  Be an apprentice! There are so many options, but you have to be willing to work hard and learn.
Stop blaming others.  Turn off Fox “news” and other extremely negative news sources.  Try something positive, look elsewhere for your information.  Stop hanging out with other negative people.  YOU make the difference in YOUR life!

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