Another excellent day at Sunrise

Another excellent day at Sunrise

Took a day off of work today and went to Sunrise Ski Resort in Northeastern Arizona.  It is my favorite place to ski in Arizona…I’ve given the other resort numerous tries, but it just doesn’t stack up well against Sunrise. Everyone has an opinion (you all know the joke), and this is mine.

This ski season has been such a departure from the past few years where we saw little to no snow for skiing. Today Sunrise had almost 80″ of snow and it was snowing again when we left!

Mounted the GoPro at the front of my ski.
Mounted the GoPro at the front of my ski.

I was playing around with a few different GoPro mounting points on my skis and helmet.  It was fun, but the mount at the front of the ski came off and my GoPro went flying! Luckily I noticed the camera tumbling away and stopped to retrieve it.

Mounted near my binding facing forward.
Mounted near my binding facing forward.


The image below was where I almost lost my ski mounted GoPro. Ooops. 🙂

If you look closely you can see the GoPro coming off of the tip of my right ski.
If you look closely you can see the GoPro coming off of the tip of my right ski.


Near the end of the day the snow really started to fall and the wind picked up.  We decided we’d better get out of there before the temperature dropped any further (it had already dropped 10 degrees) and everyone else decided to head out.  On the way out one 4×4 had already gone into the ditch, but was being pulled out by the Sunrise support staff’s truck.


Driving back to Phoenix
Driving back to Phoenix


The drive home went well, with some decent snow falling and of course… Arizona drivers acting like the world was coming to an end and driving 35 in a 55 zone.  Those of us who grew up driving in the Midwest laugh at roads with less than 5″ of snow and ice.  We safely passed those travelers and continued on our way.

2016-01-15 16.21.55-1
Rest stop at the bottom of the Salt River Canyon on our way back to Phoenix


I am looking forward to my next opportunity to hit the slopes!

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