In the Garden of Beasts

In the Garden of Beasts

I’ve been reading “In the Garden of Beasts” and there are so many similarities between one of the candidates running for presidential office and the portrayal of Hitler’s rise to power. Please do not fall for the shouting and ignorance of the one who stirs your hatred.

Please think of a better America, one that you will be proud to leave to your children and their children, one that won’t be looked on by future historians as “the era of Trump”. Yes, I said it.  Trump.  The others are complete idiots as well, but Trump is that loud mouthed bully who makes fun of the down trodden, those with disablilities and anyone who disagrees with him.  Please think America.  You can do better than this.  

I don’t mind though, it’s the Republicans giving away the election again and even though Hillary isn’t my favorite, I have a feeling my choice of Bernie Sanders won’t be elected either due to our media misinterpreting his brand of democratic socialism as bad.   

How can caring for those in need be bad? The income inequality that has occurred due to our political decisions and those or our Supreme Court (Corporations are not people) has to be reigned in and reversed.  There is no need for CEOs to make millions of dollars when their employees cannot survive on their wages.

…and yet ANOTHER reason Donald Trump is an evil and horrible human being (I hate to even consider him human). Trump’s Tweet

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