Flash News
  • 2017 December Trip to…I saw a great deal on flights to Vietnam in October of 2017 for around $500 RT so I knew I had to finally head…
  • Movember is HERE!I've been raising money for Movember for nine years now and it means so much more now.  Please help.
  • Good ride along the…This site can't always be me bitching about Trump and his shitty people...yes, if you still support Trump you likely a racist or very ignorant…
  • Where from here?Trump isn't going away anytime soon, Pence may seem more mentally stable, but his ideal America is similar to the "Handmaids Tale" series on Hulu.…
  • Trump’s moral compass?This how the president thinks. Is this how you think? If you still support Trump and consider yourself a religious person, please think about the…

Archive 2005

Wow this has been a long time (again)! Well, here’s what has been happening in 2005 so far… • January: • Snowboarding in Flagstaff, AZ • February: • Snowboarding at Sunrise, AZ – Snow was fantastic, but Darin had a crash and broke a few ribs. Fun. • March: • Our 2005 German student arrives…

Archive 2004

Update…12/29/2004 December 2004 – Kisha and I went on our first cruise on the 20th and had a spectacular time. The weather was perfect and the water smooth. We took a Royal Caribbean Cruise from Los Angeles to San Diego, Catalina and Ensenada, Mexico. We would definitely recommend this cruise since it is reasonably priced,…

Archive 2003

Update…12/14/2003 Another 6+ months without an update. Busy times for the Kleins. We finally decided to put down some roots somewhere and decided to stay in Arizona for a while. We found a great house in Tempe and are really enjoying being homeowners. Kisha was presented with a great opportunity teaching German at a local…

Archive 2002

Update…1/28/2002 Been pretty busy since August. We’ve been to Las Vegas a few times for various things. In November we went for Aunt Shirley’s birthday party and had a great time with the family. Other times we were planning our renewal and needed to narrow down a few items that we couldn’t do online or…

Archive 2001

Update…8/4/2001 Since February we’ve been quite busy. We went to Germany in March and had a great time (see pictures). We went to North Carolina for Sheri Sherman’s wedding, New York for Kisha’s birthday in April. We went back to Germany in May for my birthday and Kisha stayed until the beginning of July for…

Archive 2000

Update… 10/28/2000 Well, Just returned from a business trip to NYC and Chicago. We were able to spend time with our cousins (Belinda, Richard and RJ Levychin). I went to the 2000 Internet World at the Javitz Center and Kisha and Belinda hung out. We then went to Chicago for a meeting and had some…

Archive 1999

Update… 11/17/1999 Four months goes by so fast. We haven’t been too busy since July. Vince visited from Australia during his world tour. Lisa visited from Atlanta. Kara H. visited from Colorado (SMA friend of Darin, SDSM&T friend of Kisha). I went to San Francisco a couple of times for training and Kisha and I…

Archive 1998

Update… 10/08/98 Mid October already. Well, we went to Ixtapa, Mexico two weeks ago and had a really great time. Ixtapa is located 236 kilometers north of Acapulco. We stayed at the Qualton Resort which had a pretty good all-inclusive package. We met a great couple from Oklahoma and really did some fun things during…

Archive 1997

Update… 1/3/97 Happy New Year! Kisha and I spent the new year on a plane going to San Francisco. We played tourist in SF most of the 2nd and then flew onto Philadelphia for the next day. I actually just went with Kisha because she got a trip over new years and I didn’t want…