Flash News
  • Our DadRobert (Bob) L. Klein, age 75, of Rapid City passed away at home, Tuesday morning, May 29th, 2018, after a valiant battle with cancer.  He…
  • 2017 December Trip to…I saw a great deal on flights to Vietnam in October of 2017 for around $500 RT so I knew I had to finally head…
  • Movember is HERE!I've been raising money for Movember for nine years now and it means so much more now.  Please help.
  • Good ride along the…This site can't always be me bitching about Trump and his shitty people...yes, if you still support Trump you likely a racist or very ignorant…
  • Where from here?Trump isn't going away anytime soon, Pence may seem more mentally stable, but his ideal America is similar to the "Handmaids Tale" series on Hulu.…

San Francisco – Work and Fun

Last Monday I flew out to San Francisco for the Atlassian Summit 2015.  It’s a gathering of nerds who love and use Atlassian’s products.  If you work in software development you’ve likely heard of it…if not, you likely have not.  It is a fantastic family of products!  http://atlassian.com The conference featured keynotes and learning sessions…

Deciding on a helmet

My HJC CL-16 has been a great helmet, but with my long summer rides I’d like to have something lighter and quieter. This has been a long process and after eliminating the many helmets and getting down to the Schuberth C3 Pro and the Shoei, it’s the Shoei RF-1200 that has taken the lead. The…

2015 Motorcycle Ride Prep has begun

Well, it’s time to start planning the 2015 motorcycle ride.  Here is the initial route based on places I’d like to visit.  This year I’ll be back into Canada, but farther west than 2 years ago.  I’m looking forward to riding through the Rockies in Canada and visiting Whistler again, it’s such a beautiful area.…

2014 Bisbee RDR

This past weekend Bisbee hosted their annual Red Dress Run and it didn’t disappoint. The weather was perfect, the people were as fun as always and the trails were steep and stair filled. We once again stayed at the Gym Club Suites in downtown Bisbee.  Big rooms, full kitches, patios overlooking Bisbee and close to…

Settling back into “regular” life.

Not sure what was different about this year’s ride compared with the last, but I’ve been having some difficulty in adjusting to my regular schedule.  I want to be on the road, riding to some new destination, meeting new people, smelling the air as I ride through the lush coastal landscape amongst the Redwood forests. What…

Getting ready for the 2014 ride!

I’m starting my planning for my 2014 motorcycle ride and am very excited about this year’s route! This page has been started to chronicle the steps taken in preparation as well as daily ride info once it begins. I can’t wait! Motorcycle trip page

2014 Changes

I need to realize that people need to take responsibility for themselves.  I cannot change their attitudes, personalities or willingness to change for their benefit or our community’s benefit. I will: Stop caring if people recycle Stop caring if people throw trash into the recycle bins at work Stop caring if people throw trash or…

Atlassian Summit 2013

Largest badge I have ever had at a conference. Swag from the conference is minimal for the cost of the conference, but I am hoping that the vendors/plugin creators will be handing out some goodies. Last time I was in this building it was for the 2012 SF Bay to Breakers run registration. They really…

More comparisons

Quite a few people ask why I drive a Prius, or even ridicule me for doing so.   Most of these people drive very large pickups and other relatively low mileage vehicles.  By low I mean 20mpg and below.  In a previous post I brought up the fuel savings compared to the last two cars I’ve…

Whistler Weekend

This past weekend was spent in Whistler, BC.  I had been to Vancouver, but never north into the beautiful country that lies in all directions from the city. Early Friday morning I left Phoenix to Seattle and then onto Vancouver.  The flights were uneventful and smooth, but customs into Canada was ridiculous.  The lines were…

Finally made a decision – G5

For years I have wanted a DSLR camera, but didn’t want to haul around the equipment necessary to take those great pictures I see others taking.  However; once the 4/3 size DSLRs came out I knew that there would be one made that would capture my interest.  Then the mirror-less designs came down in price…

Bisbee weekend

The 2013 Bisbee HHH RDR was held this weekend in Bisbee and hosted by the Huachuca H3.  A great time with a bunch of crazy people. Not sure how long the run was, but with Bisbee and its hills I am sure it was only 4, but felt like 8. This past week I got…

Motorcycle Trip Notes!!!

I have decided to create a page for the ride instead of daily blogs, so here it is.  I am still working on it, but wanted to get some info and pictures out so please CLICK here to view. Thank you to everyone who helped me out along the route, fed me, let me wash myself…